Do You Really Need Motorcycle Mirrors

Mirrors are an important feature contributing to road safety and you cannot do without them. If you are riding your motorcycle without mirrors, you are compromising on safety. Most of the motorcycle have the convex mirrors that are circular in shape. Circular convex mirrors are better than flat mirrors because they can show more of the road behind than flat mirrors. The disadvantage with circular convex mirrors is that they make the objects appear farther away than they actually are. You need to be careful since the vehicle behind can be closer than what you see in the motorcycle mirror.

Many motorcycle riders do not properly use the mirrors. Installing and using the mirrors will go a long way in ensuring safety on the road. You need to check the mirror every few seconds. Mirrors are installed on both sides and you need to check both the mirrors frequently. Checking frequently helps because traffic situations change rapidly and you will never know when someone is trying to pass you unless you look at the mirrors.

If you are not comfortable using convex mirrors, try practicing to use one before you start riding the motorcycle. You can view objects that are stationery in the mirror and try to judge the distance. Check the distance physically and then you will know the margin of error in your assessment. When you are changing lanes or at a signal, allow for more distance that what you think is shown in the mirrors.

Even though you must use the mirrors while riding, when you are changing lanes or taking a turn, look over your shoulder as well. This will serve as a double check and even if you have judged the distance wrongly, you will not ram into any vehicles. By looking over the shoulder you will also ensure that no one is trying to pass you.

You must always check the motorcycle mirrors before you slow down or stop. The driver behind you will not aware of your intentions unless you have indicated already and you need to give him sufficient time to pass you. Motorcycles are the smaller vehicles on road and sometimes other users do not pay enough attention to a motorcycle. You can make them aware of your presence if you know that they are behind you.

Broken motorcycle mirrors should be immediately replaced. Sometimes a small crack appears and water seeps in. This can also disable the properties of the mirror and you will not able to use it. If the mirror is not serving the function, you must immediately get a replacement. It is easy to buy motorcycle mirrors. Just browse through the various online stores and you are sure to find what you want. You can even choose a shape other than circular. You can find different geometrical shapes such as rectangle and oval. As long as it serves the purpose of helping you see the road behind, you can confidently buy a pair. Remember that motorcycle mirrors are your eyes to see the road behind!